How to Join KHS

Current Admissions Process

We have places available for Year 3 to Year 9 for a mid-year or September start; prospective parents are invited to make initial contact with our Head of Admissions, Mrs Zoe Ashton on 01372 723590 or via email


Initial Enquiry

You will be asked for information about your son or daughter; Mrs Ashton will check availability of places in the appropriate year group and answer any questions you may have.


Tour of the School

A bespoke tour will be provided, or an appointment slot given at one of our forth-coming Open Mornings, which happen termly.



Following a successful tour for all parties concerned, a timely registration for a place for your child is strongly encouraged – this is done through the Registration Form here. We do ask that you pay the Registration Fee of £100 (to increase to £150 in July 2024) – all details are on the form. Once registered, the child will be asked to attend an informal assessment. Any Bursarial requirements or potential Scholarship Applications should be made at this point; please see the following page Scholarships & Bursaries


‘Taster Moment’ (child assessment)

A mutually agreed time will be arranged for the child to attend the school for assessment purposes. During this visit, our Lower or Senior school SENCos, as age appropriate, will meet with the child on a 1:1 basis to talk and do a few informal tests in Literacy and Numeracy to assess the level of performance. If there is time at the end of the assessment moment, your child can tour the school, see classrooms and meets KHS pupils.


Offer Outcome

The Headmaster will contact the parents after all assessment feedback has been gathered in order to make a fair decision, based upon the range of evidence. A decision will always be made in the best interests of the child. If a pupil satisfies our entry criteria, and a place is available, then an offer will be made. If however, the child has satisfied our entry criteria but no places are available at the time of assessment, they will be offered a Waiting List place and kept informed. Written confirmation will be sent, along with an Acceptance Form and details of the Acceptance Deposit to be paid.



Acceptance of an offer outcome is required within 14 days along with the Acceptance Deposit of £1,000 (refunded when the child leaves at the end of Year 11 or sooner, with notice)

Please Note: Parents have a responsibility to inform the prospective school of any issues/conditions, and disclose any reports both medical and academic, relating to the applicant. Withholding information may necessitate the School reviewing their offer of a place.


In summary, the current Admissions process is as follows:

  1. Initial enquiry via or on 01372 723590
  2. Prospective pupil and parent details will be taken ahead of the tour appointment in line with GDPR.
  3. Tour with Mrs Ashton- Head of Admissions, Mrs Miller – Admissions Assistant, or pupils where appropriate. If the Headmaster is available, you may also meet with him.
  4. Registration Form for a place at KHS to be filled in and Registration Deposit paid – all details on the form.
  5. ‘Taster Moment’ (child assessment)
  6. Feedback and Offer Outcome
  7. Acceptance

We look forward to welcoming you to Kingswood House in the near future and steering you through our Admissions process.



Scholarships are awarded to bright and talented pupils for entry into Year 7 and Year 9. Assessments take place in February the year prior to entry and applications are open to both internal and external candidates. Academic, All-Rounder, Sports and Arts awards are offered up to a value of 30% of tuition fees. Additional bursarial support is available, where there is a genuine need.

The Governors of Kingswood House School are committed to broadening access to the school by offering to eligible parents or guardians means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a Bursary and these may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% on tuition fees payable, depending on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants.



For information about cancelling your Parent Contract and a model Cancellation Form please download these documents:

Cancellation Notice        Cancellation Form


Contact Us 

Our Head of Admissions is Mrs Zoe Ashton please telephone 01372 723590 or email


Mrs Zoe Ashton, Head of Admissions

Whether you are just starting your search for the right school, or if you feel you have made your decision with Kingswood House, I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the school.

Open Morning Friday 3rd May                    now fully booked!

The next opportunity to meet our new Head Matthew Bryan and tour the school will be early in the Autumn Term. 


Please contact Mrs Ashton 01372 723590 with any enquiries