School Fees

Fees per Term from Autumn 2024

Year GroupSeptember 2024
Years 3-4£5,990
Years 5-6£6,320
Years 7-8£6,395
Years 9-11£6,780
Registration Fee (non-refundable)£100
Acceptance Deposit payable for pupils Reception to Year 11£1000
Included in fees: Stationery, books, lunches, minibus travel to matches and local trips.
Excluded: GCSE exam fees, trips, Study Centre lessons /Learning Support, music lessons, milk, morning and afternoon minibus service, breakfast and late clubs and some other clubs eg. judo, chess, fencing etc. Chromebook: All children in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be required to purchase a Chromebook from the school. The total cost of this will be invoiced in the term of receipt

Additional Expenses

2023 - 2024Additional Expenses
Music Lessons£23 per 30 minute lesson (one term's notice required please)
Dyslexia/Maths tuition£37 for one 35 min lesson per week); £47 for one 45 min lesson per week
£35 each for two 35 min lessons per week
Speech & Language Therapy£47 for 35 mins (1:1 session); £60 for 45 mins (1:1 session); £41 for 35 mins (group session); £49 for 45 mins (group session)
Occupational Therapy£45 for 35 mins (1:1 session); £38 for 35 mins (group session)
Learning Support£15 per hour
KHA Membership£12 per family per annum - included in fees invoice
Minibus£200 per term morning run; £50-60 per afternoon run per week - charged termly in arrears
Breakfast Club7.30am-8.30am £10 with breakfast; £5 before 8.00am but no food
Late Club5.00pm-6.00pm prompt £10 with tea; £5 without. £20 per hour, pro rata if late - prompt pick up expected
Morning Break Milk & Bread Provision£12 per term

A letter from the Chair of Governors sent in April 2024 outlining fee structure for the Autumn Term 2024 and onwards can be found here Chair of Governor’s Fee Letter 2024-25

A full fees list is here Fees List 2024-2025

Study Centre Fees will be updated shortly for next year, although associated current costs can be found here: Study Centre fees 2023-24


Additional Expenses

Activities and trips are organised by various members of staff and charges are made accordingly to the activity. Items such as the minibus, activities and trips are invoiced termly, in arrears.


Fees Reduction for Siblings

There is currently a 5% discount of the basic fees for the second or third child in situations where a family has more than one child at the School at any one time.


Payment of Fees

Each termly invoice must be paid in full on or before the first day of term.  The School reserves the right to refuse to allow a pupil to attend, and to withhold any references, while fees remain unpaid.

A full term’s notice in writing is required before the withdrawal of a pupil or the change of status, otherwise a full term’s fees will be payable. If a pupil is withdrawn from the School without such notice, or if for any reason a pupil leaves the School or is required by the School to leave during the course of the term, no fees are returnable. A term’s fees will also be payable where a parent fails to provide the required notice of withdrawal, after acceptance of a place. Cases of serious illness or genuine hardship may receive special consideration on written request.


Please see the School’s Terms & Conditions for further information about the payment of Fees and Extras. The School’s Terms & Conditions are available on request from the School Ofiice or on the website.


School Fees Refund Scheme

The School Fees Refund Scheme provides insurance cover for a remission of fees for pupils’ absence through illness or injury. Fees will be refunded for each period of absence from the School of more than five consecutive days. Only pupils who attend school for five consecutive days/mornings may join this scheme. If for any reason the cover is no longer required, you may cease participation in the scheme, at any time, by advising the school. Details can be obtained from the Bursar.

You may read or download further information here:
Fees Refund Scheme for New Parents

Fees Refund Scheme for Parents in the Scheme


You may click to view the school’s Privacy Notice


You may read or download further information on the school’s Personal Accident Pupil Insurance scheme here:

Personal Accident (pupil) Insurance – FAQs

Personal Accident Insurance Scheme – General Notice

Personal Accident – Pupils scheme – pupils notice 2021

Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Pupils Autumn Term 2021


Paying School Fees Monthly

Please see information on website below about monthly payment plans.

Open Mornings Autumn Term 2024

The next opportunity to meet our new Head Matthew Bryan and tour the school will be on Friday 27th September 9am – midday or Saturday 28th 9-11am


Please contact Mrs Ashton 01372 723590 with any enquiries